Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Ethiopia: Lawlessness at Washington EPRDF Embassy

Ethiopia: Lawlessness at Washington EPRDF Embassy

By Robele Ababya
The patriotic young peaceful protesters occupied the Embassy compound in Washington on 29/09/2014. Their epic act of courage is signified by the historic fact that they lowered the provocative TPLF flag and hoisted the true centuries old, deeply revered, tri-color Ethiopian Flag – GREEN, YELLOW, and RED – symbolizing development, faith in God, and sacrifice for freedom in that order.
Ethiopians vehemently hate the pentagram emblem displayed on the YELLOW strip of the TPLF flag intended to fool Nations and Nationalities. The satanic pentagram was a symbol used by pagans to worship devils in the era before the advent of Christianity. This heroic deed must have surely infuriated the rude diplomats in the Woyane Embassy in Washington.

The Ambassador attributed the heroic demonstration held on 29/09/2014 by young Ethiopians on the Embassy grounds to jealousy because President Obama received Prime Minister and heaped praise on him for the performance of his government. But jealousy was not the case at all! The Ambassador saw opportunity for covering up the naked recent massacre of Ethiopians in the Ogaden and Gambella regions of Ethiopia – a gruesome act of genocide condemned by the international community including the United Nations and HRW.
The envoy of the brutal ruling regime to Washington is one of the top ranking politbureau members of OPDO supposedly representing the great Oromo people in the EPRDF coalition. But Oromos lawfully demanding for their constitutional rights suffer under the rule of the regime; they are victims of harsh life in exile, imprisonment in large numbers, torture, evictions from their ancestral lands. The Ambassador is desperately trying to cover up the detention of a number of journalists, bloggers and activists who have faced fabricated terrorism charges. At this juncture one would like to remind him the famous words “እስርቤቱ ኦሮሚፋ ይናገራል” (the prison speaks Afan Oromo) coined by the former defense minister of TPLF, Mr. Seye Abraha, who had shared the infamous filthy dungeon at Kaliti by the regime on the outskirt of Addis Ababa overwhelmingly packed by Oromo prisoners of conscience. In case the Ambassador has forgotten the treasonous and gruesome legacy of tyrant Meles Zenawi, here below is a mirror from my files for him to look into it:-:

“Sellout of Ethiopia’s vital national interests such as active support for the separation of Eritrea, a land-locked country paying US$ one billion dollars to tiny Djibouti’s sea-port annually, grisly heinous crimes including genocide, victims of torture, incarceration of peaceful protesters en masse; extra judiciary execution of peaceful protesters, the wailing of mothers, the agony of bereaved families, filthy jails in which hundreds of political prisoners are cruelly kept, toiling peasants in serfdom, inter-ethnic hatred, daylight robbery of votes, pervasive corrupt practices, culture of pathological lies, demised free media, government monopoly of all pillars of democracy, blocked freedom of expression, poor educational standard, forbidden academic freedom in tertiary institutions, fertile farmland ceded to the Sudan; leasing large chunks of fertile farmlands to unscrupulous foreign investors at tiny price; massive unemployment largely affecting the youth; demoralized youth addicted to psycho-thermal drugs; abject poverty; embezzlement of national treasure and diverting donor fund; rampant breach of the constitution; regional instability et al.”

The USA is one place of last hope in the troubled global village of the 21st century for the defense of supreme rule of law and preservation of fundamental values. This is true regardless of the bitterness of Ethiopians towards the present Obama Administration for its silence in the face of rampant violations of human rights well known to and recorded by its Department of State.

The shockingly shameful lawlessness demonstrated by the TPLF cadres including the Ambassador tarnished the image of civilized Ethiopia. The rude act of lawlessness took place in Washington – the land of the free and brave coveted for its sacred basic values that are enshrined in the preamble to the Constitution of the U.S.A. These values are common to the human race in terms of the immortal words: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

The expulsion order of the lawless diplomat is unprecedented in the history of Ethiopia!!!

Friendship Accord between CPC & EPRDF Party
The old adage “Birds of the same feather flock together” comes glaringly to light focusing on the perplexing objective of the Accord signed between the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the EPRDF Party. I would like to leave to learned lawyers to determine whether it is legal for political parties of sovereign to sign friendship agreements. At this time of writing a massive peaceful protest demanding “Full Democracy” is going on in Hong Kong virtually bring activities to a halt in parts of the city. CPC is saying No! Protestors refuse to disband – demanding instead the resignation of the pro-Beijing Executive Council.

In Ethiopia democracy is on its deathbed; the EPRDFP, which dominates 99.6% of parliamentary seats as a result of fake election, is hell-bent on controlling all pillars of democracy and create a one-party state in Ethiopia by the power of the gun.
So, the two friends tied by the Accord are resolutely determined to defend their one-party state.

The Obama Administration has strategic interest in Africa. Ethiopia is a pivotal location for that interest. So President Obama should check CPC’s hegemony in Africa by treating Ethiopia as a genuinely equal ally. This requires fostering democracy in Ethiopia and embracing long-term interest of the U.S.A. by withholding direct budgetary support to the brutal EPRDF regime.

President Obama heaped praise on the fighting ability of Woyane soldiers in much the same way as the US Administration did during the Korean War on the Ethiopian Kagnew Battalion that showed its fighting prowess. Our ability to fight for freedom and dignity is entirely a sacred legacy of our forebears who repulsed successive foreign aggressors with militia forces fighting in the battle arena against far superior armies of the enemies in all aspects of materiel. He also praised the peace keeping operations of the TPLF soldiers. The bad news is that, according to Information and Broadcasting Minister Michael Makuei Lueth, South Sudan has refused to hold peace talks in Addis Ababa demanding that Kenya should be the venue for the talks. He complained that the officials in Addis Ababa are biased. So, the praise disappeared into the thin air in no time. TPLF warlords are not trustworthy, for as the saying goes, they fish in troubled waters.
Religious wars & civil strife

Religious wars in the world have so far claimed tens of millions of lives not to mention the millions of refugees caused by the wars and incalculable cost of properties damaged or wasted. Unfortunately The TPLF regime is thriving on perpetrating sectarian policy.

ሀይማኖት የእግዚአብሄር ነው፤ ሀገር የጋራ ነው (Religion is of God; country is common to all) is a famous quote attributed to Emperor Haile Selassie 1st of Ethiopia. These are enabling powerful words of wisdom for living together in peace and harmony. Young Ethiopians revolutionaries should always bear in mind and respect the fact that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam lived in Ethiopia for centuries in relative harmony.
God is Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent. He does not need the protection of His creatures like me. Therefore, no individual or groups of individuals should wage wars of hate on others in the name of defending the honor of God the Almighty; for He has clearly stated in the Holy Bible that all manners of sins are forgivable except blasphemy against Him. He alone shall punish the sin of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. God is the Greatest Democrat in the universe that has given freedom of choice to all mankind. It is up to us to make the right choice – either by choosing a path of destructive hate or one of loving one another as decreed by Jesus (Romans 13: 8 – 10).

The Obama Administration should stop its ally from dividing Ethiopians along ethnic and religious lines. The divisive policy of the EPRDF is very dangerous given the sensitive location of Ethiopia.

I applaud the “Joint Statement by the three political parties – UDJ, Semayawi, and Arena
Wars and civil strife in the name of religion must be condemned!
All Ethiopians are for all-round development of their country; the brutal EPRDF regime must be forced to accept that universal human rights and economic development are inseparable.

It is my ardent hope and fervent prayer that all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Ethiopia including:- Andualem Aragie, Eskinder Nega, Andargachew Tsige, Abraha Desta, Bekele Gerba, Reeyot Alemu, Haptamu Ayalew Daniel Shibeshi, Yeshiwas Assefa, Leaders of the Ethiopian Muslims, the 9 bloggers and 3 Journalists, et al are released immediately and unconditionally!

Source:  IndepthAfrica

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